Pistol Fundamentals Clinics

Pistol Fundamentals Clinics

These clinics are offered by our friends at Warlizard Tactical.  It’s a great way to get more experience and trigger time, and work on your fundamentals, without breaking the bank for tuition or ammo expenditure.

This half-day of training costs $35 per student, only a little more than it would take you to rent a lane at at range on your own–only they come with highly qualified instruction.  They keep it affordable so you will treat it as you would any other martial art, returning to their “pistol dojo” on a regular basis.

It isn’t ONLY the fundamentals.  They split the students into groups so you can be taught at your own skill level.  That way, if you have a good foundation already, you’re not bored, and if your sig-o is a beginner, he or she won’t feel overwhelmed.

Overall, this class runs from 0745 till about 1400 (2 pm).  From about 1130 till about 1400, there will be optional legal training for those wishing to obtain an Arizona Concealed Carry permit.

Visit the Warlizard site to register for these clinics.